What Does the Typical Systems Analyst Do?
Requesting information from the management and the ones who will be using the system, the analyst will use this information to design the system that is needed. There are many methods used by the systems analyst to ensure the plans they design are specific for the needs of the company. Since the management of the company is concerned with the money side of the technology, the analyst may also put together a plan showing the cost-efficiency of the system and the projected return on the company's investment.
Once approval is given for the system, the systems analyst will decide what is needed to implement the plan. This will include the computer software and hardware. The next step is to design the charts that will be used by the computer programmers. Making sure there are no flaws in the system will require working with the programmer.
One of the requirements of the systems analyst position may be to allow computer systems of the business or corporation to share information. This is called networking, and many big companies require their computers to be connected within the office or the company in order for all personnel to keep up with the business.
What Are the Education Requirements?
Systems analysts should have bachelor's degrees. The more complex the job, the more education the employer will require. Often an employer will want a systems analyst with a master's degree in business administration. The computer systems have a major role in the work the analyst will be performing. There are several types of systems such as:
- financial
- business
- scientific
- accounting
- engineering
What Are Salaries of Systems Analysts?
A typical starting salary is between $64,000 and $87,000. Those who enter the business systems analysis market can expect to earn between $61,000 and $86,000 to start. The programmer analysis job ranges between $55,000 and $90,000. Room for advancement is certainly a consideration. For the goal-oriented systems analyst, a promotion to either the lead systems analyst or a management position is quite probable. There are many positions open to those who have considerable experience and the education needed for the job. A business of their own is the goal of many in this field.