It's true that a lot of people download illegal software, especially professional grade programs that cost hundreds of dollars. It's so common that almost no one seems to have a problem with it. However, if you take on programmer jobs or other gigs, and you use pirated software, you're putting yourself at considerable risk. If you're going to make any real percentage of your income from this software, you'll have to report it on your tax form every year. That can be enough to make someone suspicious.
Remember that when you download illegal software, you're leaving tracks that someone else could follow. That's how companies track down people who've pirated files of all kinds. Even if you made the download a long time ago, and the program you currently use is now out of date, it could lead to legal trouble down the road. If you get caught using this software, you could be fined much more than you ever made using it! That's why it's so important that people in software careers use the real thing, and pay for it. Remember - everything you spend on your business counts as a deduction. There's no reason not to buy legitimate programs if you're going to be in business.
Of course, the most expensive programs can take some savings up to get. This can make it really tempting to pirate a copy, at least until you have the money to pay for it. But the chances that you'll actually end up paying for the program are pretty low, once you've downloaded it. Instead, think about looking on eBay or similar sites for older versions of the software. In many cases, they'll provide most of the functionality you need, but they'll be sold at a discount, since there's a newer version out there. Upgrading from an older version can be much cheaper than buying the whole program outright, so you'll save a little bit of money getting the programs you need for work.
It might be tempting to get to work using pirated programs, but it's not a good idea. It puts you and your business at too much risk. Instead of using pirated software, find ways to use freeware, or get an older copy of the program you need. It's worth it to avoid legal problems in the long run. You might not enjoy saving up for the real thing now, but you'll be glad you did later on. Remember, the more established you are, the longer the paper trail that's attached to you. No one wants to get a letter about piracy dating to the beginning of their career! Don't bother with pirated software - you'll be happy you avoided trouble later.