Keep in mind, however, that while you are shaking Forever Flashlight for 20 seconds to get five minutes of illumination, you will begin to debate immediately if it is perhaps not better just to rely on traditional batteries and get instant light for as long as the batteries will last—certainly far longer than five minutes.
Nevertheless, Forever Flashlight is a mandatory backup plan for people who camp a lot, go on long-weekend sea voyages, tend to drive long distances at night, or are expecting an emergency of some sort to occur at any moment. In these cases, should you be someplace where you need light, it will be comforting to know that there is an endless alternate source of light by your side…even if you must shake it for 20 seconds to get five minutes of illumination. Otherwise, if you use flashlights sporadically and for short periods of time, Forever Flashlight will save you money in the long run.
Forever Flashlight is 7” x 1.75” and sells for $20.50. You can find this product at As Seen on TV stores or at