Computer Hardware Engineers
Computer hardware engineers design, enhance, and test hardware for computers and ensure proper manufacturing and installation of new technology.
Computer Software Engineers
Individuals in computer software engineer positions develop software applications and test existing applications that are used for networks, operating systems, and different programming language compilers. Software engineers develop custom applications based on the end-users’ requirements. Strong programming knowledge is necessary for the development of these applications.
Computer Systems Engineers
Computer systems engineers work for companies that build computer systems. They work as consultants to the companies and customers who purchase the products. Computer systems engineers provide technical assistance.
Computer Engineer Jobs
Many engineers are employed as contractors who work on a consulting basis. This field is expected to grow in the near future. Many computer systems jobs can be found within government agencies and in the commercial sector. Communications companies also have a high need for technologically savvy individuals who can aid in the development of equipment and services.
Growth in the Industry
Growth in all technological industries will continue as the need for innovative technology increases. The data processing field is continuously growing and has a need for computer engineers to keep up with the pace. Hardware engineers are now involved in robotics as well, to develop new technology needed to create new devices. Software engineers are in high demand to develop applications that can power the robotics devices.
Education and Pay
Employers seek individuals with technology and computer skills. A good computer engineer must have a computer-related bachelor’s degree to earn a higher pay rate. Computer-savvy individuals with a good amount of experience can also get a computer-related job, but the pay rate may be lower. Master’s-degree-holding job candidates are ideal candidates for good starting salaries. The starting salary was $58,700 in 1999 and has been growing considerably.
Besides college education, certification courses are also available and are sometimes required. Software engineers can become certified in Web site development. Programmers can also be certified for application development in C/C++, Java, Visual Basic, and many more languages.
Skills and Advancement
A good computer engineer must have good problem-solving skills as well as the ability to analyze problems. Communication skills are a must when working with other team members to complete a task efficiently. Just like with other industries, knowledge and experience will help an individual move up in a company. Continuing education can greatly enhance the chances of advancement.