Where do I Begin My Search
Many people begin their search for IT operations jobs in the newspaper or registering at the large online job boards, but neither of these is very effective. The reason they are not effective is that these are the obvious places that people head to when they need a job. Therefore, if there is one job opening, there will be hundreds of applicants that apply, which make your chances of being called slim.
The best boards to search are the private job sites because these have better screened positions that are available to search and there will not be 100's of people applying for the same position. Let's face it, with today's economy, any job opening is going to be competitive, but the private job boards at least gives you a better way to find positions specifically for you.
I heard it was Easier to Get a Job when You Have a Job
There is some truth to it being easier to land a job when you already have a job, but the main reason for this is when you have an income coming in, you are not as desperate and therefore more relaxed and selective in your search. Think about it, if you have lost your job and have no income coming in, you are going to be randomly applying to every IT operations job even if it is something you do not want. When you have a job already, you are more selective.
The worst thing you can do when you are out of work is to get desperate and this is easier said than done, but if you show up at an interview with desperation on your face, you will end up blowing the interview. Instead, take some time before the interview and gather your thoughts, think about your other job search strategies, remember the IT operations work available. The position you are interviewing for is not your only option. Relax as much as possible before your interview and bring to the table your skills and assets, not desperation.
When asked about your previous work history, do not blurt out, "I lost my job and I am just desperate" because this makes the employer think you are only applying because you just lost your job. Be careful how you answer, a better answer would be, "My current employment ended and now I am seeking better opportunities."
Resume Preparation
Before you ever begin your IT operations jobs search, you need to make sure your resume is up to date and professional. Remember, no matter where you find the position that you are applying for, you are going to have competition. If two people are equally qualified and one person sends in a sloppy resume that was thrown together and the other sends in a professional and easy to read resume, who do you think is going to get the interview?
When you are preparing your resume, never list your current or past salary history. This is none of anyone's business and something you never have to reveal. If you put on your resume that you are currently earning $50,000 and the position you are applying for pays $85,000, when it comes down to salary talks, they are going to offer you a lower amount since the company knows that even if they offered you $60,000 it is still a bump up for you.
In the same vein, if you are applying for a position that pays a bit less than what you are making, you will be disqualified because the employer will assume they cannot offer you enough money. Therefore, never list salary on your resume and never speak of salary in the interview until the employer brings it up.
Final Thoughts
Are you ready to find your next job? You can find literally thousands of jobs on InformationTechnologyCrossing.com. These fresh job leads have been screened and are awaiting you! Sign up today for a FREE trial because your dream job may be just a click away!