High-tech jobs can be in a number of fields, like computer-science, e-commerce, information systems management, software engineering, and telecommunications management. While certificates in these fields can be used to prove an existing worker is current on a specific topic, they can also help someone land entry level tech jobs in a field that they might only have slight experience in. In this way, one can complete about half the educational requirement needed for a Masters degree and still be able to re-enter the workforce in a timely fashion. Of course such programs can also be used to advance once a worker has a job by allowing him or her to develop new skills. Some of the biggest areas to focus on right now include web development, programming, networking, application skills, and database administration and development.
Among the best entry level tech jobs out there right now are database administrator, database developer and the like. Knowing something like Oracle can give a worker that edge needed to get a foot in the door because many systems are transitioning from old to new systems currently. Of course, having a Masters can help land a good entry level position, even if the pay is lower. Do not discount government work for gaining experience in the high-tech field of your choice. Some places to look include the Washington Post's Sunday technology pages, various on line services for job listings, government web pages, and big companies.
Getting a good high-tech job is similar to landing jobs in other fields. You will want to think about your skills, training, and ability and relate those to the job you want to get. Take the time to tailor your resume to the position, do your homework about the company and what they do and use this knowledge in order to get the employer's attention. Be willing to work an entry level position to gain experience in the field, even if you have experience on other jobs.
Taking the time to research about the company, study the position they are filling, and creating a tailored resume for that position will land entry level tech jobs that provide experience that can advance your career in the High-Tech industry. Pay attention to the places with the listings posted, analyze those listings for the buzz words you need to make your resume get the attention you deserve, and do not overlook the usefulness of getting certificates in other areas besides your main degree as that will build your skills further.