It seems like nowadays everyone has a Web page whether for information purposes, e-commerce purposes or just to promote their business. Whatever the reason for the Web page, someone has to design it, develop it, link it to the Internet and host it on a server.
So if Internet skills are in such demand, why doesn't everyone become a Web designer? Web page design is one of those few areas of IT in which a required skill cannot be learned. The skill we refer to is that of artistic ability. Modern Web page creation software can make the creation ofWeb sites relatively easy, and the programs themselves are designed to be easy to use. Even so, a page created by someone with little artistic ability will look distinctly amateur in comparison to one created by a person who has true artistic flair.
Web design often transcends mere page design to encompass other areas of IT, such as the platform support on which the Web server that serves the pages are run. In addition, an in-depth knowledge of other Internet related technologies is needed, such as file formats, encryption, and networking. The wide range of skills that are required in the Internet industry provides a good indication of the range of job related tasks needed on a day-to-day basis. Essentially, those with more skills can expect greater variation on the job. For those wanting job variation and a desire to be working on different aspects of the IT industry, Web design and the Internet is a good place to look.
Personality Checkpoint: Perhaps one of the most important qualities for Web designers is creativity. For a Web page, layout and design is everything. A page can have all the information, but without the organization and the proper presentation, it will not be useful.
Stress Factors
The stress for a Web designer is not that of other areas of IT, but it can still be present. Often Web designers and developers work directly with non-technical, clients-a situation that can present a whole range of challenges. It is important to remember that when a business or company decides to publish a Web page it is representative of their business, and therefore an important marketing tool. Some businesses rely entirely on Internet marketing. Businesses take marketing very seriously and are prepared to pay a lot of money for a well-designed page. They will expect a professionally designed page, and it is up to you to ensure they get it. The job of a Web designer can be relatively stress free when customer and clients are happy with your end product. Rest assured however, that they won't always be happy.
Personality Checkpoint: Not every page a Web designer turns out will be a winner. A client may look at the design and layout of a page you have spent hours working on and decide on something completely different. There is always the possibility you will have to go back to the drawing board. Remember, the client has the last say on the Web page. Although you can provide input, at the end of the day, the customer is always right.
Character Sketch
Web designers have to be able to take the business information given by a client and translate that information into a creative and well-designed Web page.They must be able to visualize the end product and effectively communicate their vision or suggestions to the client.
Web designers need to have a spirit of adventure and be willing to try new methods and new technologies to incorporate into the Web pages they design. To meet the demands of clients, they need to be fully aware of the products and tools available to them. As we know, technology moves at a rapid pace, and Web design is no different. Those who do not learn the latest tools will be left behind.
Personality Checkpoint: The complexity of Web pages has advanced considerably. Putting together a page means more than just adding some HTML text. Web pages can promote products and information using everything from sound to 3D graphics. To be competitive, Web designers need to be in touch with the latest and greatest tools that are used for Web page development, in combination with their visual and creative skills. This person, therefore, needs to continuously keep up with new technologies, along with the day-to-day responsibilities of the job.
Web designers will find themselves working within a strict time limit.While it would be nice if Web designers were given unlimited time to perfect a Web page, this is not the case. Businesses and companies are generally impatient and want to get their ideas or products to the Internet market as soon as possible. Web designers must be able to work within these strict timelines while still producing a quality product.
Personality Checkpoint: Web designers need to be able to take criticism in their stride. Often, a page will be created that the client does not like. The Web designer must have the objectivity to be able to take the criticism and rework the page.
Character Sketch
Network administrators have to be self-motivating because networks require continuous routine maintenance. If they are left unattended for extended periods, it can have serious repercussions for the stability of the network. Administrators must keep one eye on network monitors, keep another eye on users' activities, and a third eye on error logs, or other activities. The best network administrator has the ability to foresee problems before they occur and develop a plan so that the problem never surfaces. They are also resourceful. The diversity of the networking arena may often mean that when faced with a problem they do not know the answer, but they do know where to look for the answers.
Personality Checkpoint: Networks need a lot of care and attention. To avoid or delay the day-to-day maintenance and procedures is to eventually lessen the reliability and functionality of a network. Good administrators pay close attention to detail, establishing and monitoring performance baselines to keep ahead of potential network problems.