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Marketing Director - WHMCS and HTML/PHP experience required We are an established Hosting Service Provider specializing in dedicated servers (bare metal), VPS, shared hosting, cloud hosting, colocation, and custom solutions. We ..
e-leanring Site with a lot of H5P elements I want someone who is an expert in H5P projects to create a site (based on Wordpress most likely) for e-learning. Two important ..
Smart Contract development for a DeFi project on Ethereum We are looking for a developer or an agency with experience writing smart contracts for a defi project. Please apply only if ..
Engineer to Make SDI PCI card visible to WebRTC I am looking for help architecting a script or driver that can allow SDI input PCI cards to be seen by cloud ..
Simple 3-tier web programming project -- 3 Hello freelancers! I have a project. Analytical details in chat. Freelancer Profile: The ideal freelancer is familiar with internet programming technologies and the experience ..
Android developer -- 2 I have fully functional with back end data iOS application and need to copy to android application Skills: Android , Mobile App Development , iPhone , Java..
Build me a FiveM Team Deathmatch Server Territories Loot Teams up 4 players Skills: Lua , Game Design , JavaScript , C# Programming , C Programming..
Build an android APP that calculates number Build an android APP that calculates a number (angle) by inputting four different measurements. Calculation formula exists in excel. Skills: Android , Mobile App ..
I need a website builder -- 2 I want to transfer my Google site to Blogger... or new website builder. Skills: Website Design , Graphic Design , WordPress , Blog Design..
Refactor & Transfer PWA to AWS Infrastructure Front end > Angular Back end > NodeJS API > REST API Server > Apache Database > MySQL Task 1: REFACTORING (Timeline> Up to ..
Build a web application of a delivery service Currently, there are no deadlines on the project below, but I would like to know the cost and the time that it will ..
i need a wordpress php developer -- 2 we want to embed a playlist in our wordpress website Skills: PHP , WordPress , HTML , Website Design , CSS..
Full-Stack Software Developer joining into a team We are in need of the experienced RxSwift developer in our team and can suggest a long term opportunity if it fits. ARKit UI/UX ..
Web Designer / Developer Speaking Greek & English We are a Digital Marketing Agency based in Greece and we are looking for an external partner speaking fluent Greek to create websites ..
I need an experienced C programmer You must have great knowledge in C language and specifically in: Sorting algorithms Static and dynamic data structures Modular implementation of algorithms and data structures ..
FIGMA to ASP .NET i have 10 pages in Figma needed to convert to html code with css to use it in asp .net pages . Please quote price and time. ..
Fetch data from database in wordpress Fetch data from external (non WordPress) database to filter and display it on frontend of a wordpress website. Skills: MySQL , Software Architecture , WordPress..
Vehicle android app I need an application (on android at the moment): 1. who understands how fast the vehicle is going. 2. to have his own answering machine 3. have a ..
PHP website script - import excel to database Build a php website where you import excel and create a web-based database where you can search by category modify export etc Skills: ..
Booking App - Android/ Java Powered I am looking for a Java mobile application, which is used to book rooms. This project is only ideal for those who have delivered a ..
Drupal 9 B2B synced with erp I have a drupal 7 e-commerce that we have setup it by myself at [login to view URL] that I sync with csv files with ..
A (microservice) API endpoint written in PHP, that will identify the e-commerce platform and returns back the results. I want someone to create a microservice that will expose an API endpoint, ..
Query crashes my database in Opencart 3.0.2 I think some query crashes my database after a little time some the processes are too high. After that my e-shop completely stack. I ..