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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reports I use CRM Dynamics and I wanna create some reports customized about what I need. Skills: CRM , Excel , Dynamics..
Looking for a long term complex website developer, (copy paste will be ignored!) Hi, I have a web development agency, I am looking for a professional web developer with EXCELLENT ENGLISH ..
AppleTV &/or AndroidTV App : RSS Feed reader Shortcuts to other apps Channels on Home Screen App would consist of displaying pre-defined RSS Feeds in rows. When clicking one of the ..
XML CONNECTION CAR RENTAL Im looking for someone who can devlop for me a software which were our brokers can connect to be able to check our rates and send reservations ..
VPN App required for Android & iOS HI Im looking for a VPN app for Android and iOS Looking for it to track events, Download, Open, Install referrer ID etc Must ..
Full website development project. FOR TRUE DEVELOPER PROFESSIONALS ONLY You must have read the description and understand the job to bid on this project and your bid price must be your ..
Full website development needed with spot ball game see attachment. PROFESSIONALS ONLY Hello, welcome to my listing. Please VIEW the attachments carefully to properly understand the work. The job: I want ..
System Analyst We are seeking for a system analyst that is capable to analyse systems and professional reporting writing about these systems. Skills: Research Writing , Technical Writing , Report Writing ..
Install Vik Rent A Car and web design HI, In looking for someone who can install the following script [login to view URL] And desgin website. I will provide domain and ..
Build A Website with CMS back end and Install Php Script I have this script [login to view URL] I need it to be installed and i also need web design ..
Development and install of a GIS platform. Request is the creation of a WebGIS platform on which to implement the Standard Plans, with application of crowdmapping, geoblogging and integrated social activity ..
Build a website Lotto Website must be mobile/tablet friendly ,take bets, calculate winnings, create reports. No fancy graphic design needed...all about functionality. This will be accessed by few users, a super ..
UX/UI designer for on-going work We would like to engage someone who will design and imlpement UX/UI upgrades to our website. The chosen person will have regular assignments and each job ..
Reach 100/100 on Google Page Speed Desktop and Mobile (Joomla website) You nee to be a Joomla expert first, then bid for this job. I have a joomla website and would ..